Yes, that’s perfectly normal. Some get bruises, some do not, some more, others less – it depends first and foremost on your skin type. If you have sensitive skin, we recommend that you first massage and warm the skin with your hands and that you create less vacuum in the beginning. After a couple of days you can increase the vacuum – than the skin has started to get used to the cupping massage.

The cups can lead to marks similar to bruises but should not be confused with this. It is completely harmless and only affects the outermost layers of skin. Whether they appear or not depends on the user and whether the circulation is good in the area. It is usually the case that with good circulation there will be no marks but where it has stagnated it can become bluish marks. These marks usually diminish and disappear after a few days.

The discoloration’s produced after the cupping may be the result of slag products coming up to the surface, stagnation, previous injury or lactic acid produced by the muscles. If redness or itching occurs, it is most likely because of the increased blood circulation.