(5 reviews)

Face cup

269.00 kr

Facial cupping provides you with a lymphatic massage that can strengthen your skin and give it a fresh glow. When facial muscles are massaged, it can help you reduce tension, resulting in smoother skin and a more relaxed face. An effective and simple routine, completely natural without injections or procedures. For sensitive skin, start with the mini cup and see how your skin reacts.

✔ Reduce the visibility of fine lines, scars, and wrinkles
✔ Enhance radiance and achieve smoother skin
✔ Release tension
✔ Reduce swelling and tone the facial contours

  1. Apply Curam face & massage oil to a clean face and the area you want to treat, in order to help the cup glide smoothly over the skin and to increase the benefits of the cupping effects.
  2. Begin each session by opening up the lymph flow at the clavicle pit by pumping the cup a couple of times, see instructions on the Lymphatic drainage program.
  3. Gently apply the cup to the skin over the area you want to treat such as your face, neck, chest or décolletage. Squeeze on each side to create a vacuum. See cupping programs for more guidelines.
  4. Use slow sweeping gliding massage strokes and perform out and up motions. Move the cup the whole time to prevent cupping marks. Start gently and preferably in front of a mirror to see how your skin reacts. For sensitive skin, use the mini cup for the entire face instead. Cup one side of your face at a time. End with a few lymph strokes from hairline down towards collarbones.
  5. Facial cupping is said to increase product absorption, so apply Curam face & massage oil again to nourish your skin and increase the benefits of your cupping session.
  6. Recommended usage: a maximum of 3-5 strokes on each area, 3 times a week. If you have sensitive skin or superficial blood vessels, start with one stroke per area and gradually increase based on your skin’s tolerance. Do not use on fresh scars, sunburned, or damaged skin. Do not cup directly over Botox or fillers.
  • Be very careful around the eyes
  • Curam face cup is designed to gently lift the connective tissue, which will promote the blood and lymph circulation, and activating the cells responsible for collagen production. It can also reduce the visibility of fine lines, scars, and wrinkles, as well as sculpt your chin, jawline, and neck by reducing swelling.
  • Made of 100% eco-friendly silicone
  • Free of BPS ́S, PVC and Toxins
  • Wash with warm soapy water and airdry after each use
  • Explore Curam’s face programs for guidance for facial cupping.

For facial cupping you are continuously moving the cup to prevent cupping marks. Do not leave the cup stationary on your face. Do not cup directly over Botox or fillers.

Use Curam Face & massage oil for a smoother glide and to increase the benefits of your cupping session. Begin each session by opening up the lymph flow at the clavicle pit by pumping the cup a couple of times, see instructions on the Lymphatic drainage program. Place the cup gently against the skin on the area you want to treat and squeeze it to create vacuum. Starting at the center of the face and move it in outward and upward motions. End the session with a few lymphatic strokes from the hairline down to the collarbones, see. Lymphatic drainage program.

Do not cup if you are suffering from a skin disease, difficult acute acne or rosacea, eczema, broken capillaries, moles, skin tags, warts, sunburned skin, raised moles, over new scars, herpes or very sensitive, thin and irritated skin. Please consult your skin care therapist if you are suffering from a skin disease or currently use blood thinners. Temporary redness is normal due to increased vascularity of the cupped area. These effects will disappear shortly. Massage cups are not intended to diagnose, prevent or treat any illness, metabolic disorder, disease or health problems. Minor side effects can occur after treatment such as dizziness, nausea, and slight facial discomfort.

What are the benefits of facial cupping?

Cupping promotes the circulation of fresh oxygen-rich blood, stimulates collagen production that can fill and tighten your skin, and activates lymphatic circulation, reducing swelling. We have 43 muscles in our face, which we often tend to neglect. Facial cupping helps relax the muscles, making us more relaxed and may result in smoother skin and increased well-being with less tension.

How often can I cup my face?

It varies from person to person and depends on the sensitivity of your skin. Since it is a powerful method, start gently to observe how your skin reacts. We suggest starting with 3 times a week, with a few gentle strokes per area. Depending on your needs and your skin’s response, you can gradually increase. Never let the cup stay still; keep it in constant motion. It’s a good idea to begin in front of a mirror to observe any immediate reactions.

I got bruises on my face after cupping, did I do something wrong?

Most often, bruises occur if you let the cup stay still in one place or if you cup for too long. We recommend only dynamic cupping and starting with just a few gentle strokes per area. If you have very sensitive skin and superficial blood vessels, it’s easier to become red or get bruises. Start extra cautiously, with only 1-2 strokes per area, and observe how your skin reacts in the next 24 hours. Alternatively, start with the mini facial cup all over the face. It’s a good idea to stand in front of a mirror initially to observe any immediate reactions.

Tutorial Face cup

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5 reviews for Face cup

  1. Moa

    Is there a timelimit for how long you can use the face cup? I have been going on for ages now. So wonderful<3 I don’t want to stop

  2. Lotta

    Love the static cups and the large dynamic – but had issues on the lower leg, but now it’s resolved! The new face cup! Perfect for my bad legs! Since I got the little softer cup home, I’ve been using it, apart from my face, also on/around my ankles! So very nice! Has also become much better – with significantly less pain when touching! Also really love the new face morning routine – a few minutes with the face cup! The headache points above the eyebrows, which have been insanely sore for many, many years, are slowly but surely starting to become better! A nice way to wake up – and get rosy, perky cheeks at the same time!

  3. Rebecca

    The face cup is amazing and easy to use. I use it together with the face oil. The skin feels smoother and more firm, more glow and above all, the relaxed feeling when using it wonderful.

  4. Anna

    Love this! Its soothing and making my skin shine!

  5. Helena

    Curam facial cupping is my new morning routine that I don’t want to be without! Such a nice way to ‘wake up the face’! The skin feels so fresh and nice with the accompanying oil. The other day, a colleague said I look slimmer in the face. It really feels like the face is getting a lift!

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