cupping in infrared sauna helps with detox

Open up your breath

By attaching Curam static cups below the collarbones and letting them sit there for a few minutes, can help you calm down and deepen your breath. A simple and effective way to slow down and land into your body if you feel stressed. You can also try attaching the cups to the lower part of the rib cage, either towards the sides, on the front or on the back. Use the cups as a focus point for your attention and your breath. Breathe into the cups and feel how you expand your breath and how you can more easily connect with your breath with the help of the cups.


If you’re looking for a low effort relaxation technique, cupping is a great way to go. In addition to calming your breath, cupping has a relaxing effect on tense and sore muscles as well as a calming effect on the nervous system. Try attaching the static cups under the soles of the feet to ground yourself and for a nice relaxation before bedtime.

Warm-up and Recovery after workout

Cupping is an excellent way to prepare the body for movement and warm up muscles, joints and increase mobility. The cups attract fluids, stimulate blood & lymph circulation and help to loosen and separate the connective tissue. This increases the flow in the body and helps the body to more easily transport nutrients and oxygen, to get rid of more waste products such as lactic acid and helps the body’s ability to better heal itself.

When we soften the fascia (connective tissue) and increase circulation, we reduce stagnation, which can help you reduce tension and swelling, increase muscle relaxation and lead to increased flexibility and mobility.

By cupping after a workout, you will help the body recover faster, soften tense and numb muscles and reduce exercise soreness. We recommend you to combine Curam’s static cups with the dynamic cup for maximum effect and to be able to treat several places at the same time.

cupping before exercise helps to warm up the muscles

Strengthen the immune system

In order for the lymphatic system to function optimally and efficiently be able to take care of viruses, bacteria and waste products, we must move, drink plenty of water and eat a good diet. But even if we do this, it may still be too little to keep the lymph flow running optimally. Cupping, especially dynamic cupping when you let the cups slide over the skin, stimulates the lymph circulation and involves an effective cleansing of waste products. Which in turn can contribute to a stronger immune system. For lymphatic drainage, move the dynamic cup in the direction of the major lymph stations, for example knee folds, groin and armpit to help carry away waste products.


The main cause of cellulite is thickened connective tissue along with poor blood circulation. If the circulation in the connective tissue is poor, this can lead to waste products accumulating in the tissue and ultimately lead to so-called cellulite skin.

Cupping is a deep massage for skin and connective tissue that stimulates blood & lymph circulation and can therefore be an effective treatment for improved skin structure and cleansing of the skin. The production of elastin and collagen is beneficially affected, which can contribute to smoother and firmer skin and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

This was our quick guide to 5 benefits from cupping. If you’re interested in learning more about cupping and different ways to use your cups, check out our cupping programs.

If you can’t find a program that’s suitable for you, don’t hesitate to contact us for guidance.