22 September, 2023 kl. 06:45 - 07:45

FREE – Get to know your body with the help of cupping

This morning class is about how simple cupping techniques can assist you in your daily life and how you can easily take care of yourself and your body. What cupping can do for you and how you can treat yourself to more vitality, flexibility, energy, and well-being. Lets start your day by gently awakening your body.

Teacher: Kristin Andersson

What you need: A yogamat, 2 Curam static massage cups, preferable a bolster/pillow/blanket. Convenient clothes.

When: 22/9 kl 06.45-07.45

Price: Free trial class

Where: Join Zoom Meeting
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 859 0510 9839
Passcode: XJgyF8

22 September, 2023 kl. 06:45 - 07:45

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