Cold bath

This year, Instagram shows a clear trend on the several thousand-year-old Nordic bathing tradition. It is a wave of cold bath devotees on social media that testifies the wonderful rewarding feeling after an ice cold dip. Now research also shows that it has several health-promoting effects. Studies conducted in Finland, among other places, shows that cold baths lower blood pressure at rest, increase blood circulation, and lead to increased alertness. Studies have also shown that cold exposure have a positive effect on the immune system with an increase in white blood cells. And just like when we are exercising, the cold releases endorphins that reduce pain and simply make us feel better. Worth a try huh?


Despite the importance of breathing, and research showing that a conscious breath can have positive effects on everything from blood pressure, stress, fatigue, poor sleep, to overweight, it only gets a little attention when we talk about health. Many of us have so-called top breathing, which means that we only use 30% of our lungs’ capacity. One breathing method that involves affecting the autonomic nervous system, which is of great importance for our immune system, is the Wim Hof method. This involves a special method where you mix active breaths with holding your breath. His method is also used together with cold baths, check it out:


It is when the body is allowed to rest that the immune system is built up. Sleep and rest are unfortunately an activity that today’s lifestyle doesn’t really welcome. It is possible that todays circumstances have meant a little more time to spare so that you can prioritize your recovery. It is also through recovery that your body can improve the effects of your exercise, which makes your time at the gym or running track worth so much more. One way to help your body recover faster is through cupping. Join Curam´s series of customized cupping programs here, where we offer guidance and inspiration depending on your needs.

Essential oils

Essential oils are pure concentrated oils that are extracted from the plant kingdom’s flowers, leaves, fruits, woods and more. The essential oil is present in different amounts in different plants and the composition of the oils is very complex. It is the unique combination of these substances that gives each essential oil its special effect on the human body and psyche, which can be proven by modern day science. Different oils have different effects on you, if you want to boost your immune system, you can use “Ravintsara” which you can find on It is an oil that can help you achieve restful sleep, especially in times of stress-related restlessness. At the same time, the oil has an activating effect that can get you off to a good start in the morning. Ravintsara is known in the traditional medicine of Madagascar, and is used for a variety of needs such as breathing problems, flu, muscle aches, anxiety, wounds and for its antiviral effects.